Cleaning up after parties

Tips to Help You Manage Waste Disposal at Home

Accumulation of waste at home can lead to the spread of disease-causing organisms, which are harmful to you, your family, and pets. It is important to take precautionary measures when it comes to waste management. Below are key tips that will help you manage waste disposal and prevent waste accumulation at home.  

Be Mindful of Your Waste Disposal Capacity

It's important you observe activities at home and the amount of waste you dispose in a given period. For example, if you are at home most times, then it means you'll dispose waste often. Also, if you have a family, kitchen and bathroom waste will be in large quantities, and you will need to dispose trash regularly.

Determining your capacity will guide you on the size of house trash bins to buy. For organic waste, especially kitchen waste, avoid buying a large trash can because it will take longer to fill, meaning you will empty it less. This can lead to mold growth. Also, use a plastic bag inside trash cans used to dispose organic waste. It is recommended you disinfect trash cans every time you empty them, especially those meant for organic waste.

Track Frequency of Waste Collection

Before you hire a rubbish removal company, inquire about their waste collection schedule. If you have a high waste disposal capacity, you will need a company that collects waste regularly. For example, if you have children in diapers and pets, you will need to move waste from your compound often, because human and pet waste can become highly toxic if left in trash bins for long.

The nature of your work or lifestyle can also influence the frequency of waste collection. For example, you can inquire from your service provider about a special arrangement if you travel a lot. You can dial up the company every time you leave and when you come back to let them know when you do and don't need service, and you can also ask for a price cut, if applicable.

Arrange Disposal of Uncommon Items

Most waste disposal companies have guidelines on the type of waste they accept from residential places. Asbestos, building materials, metallic waste, mattresses, and chemicals are among waste materials that are generally not allowed or that attract an extra fee.

If you plan to dispose mattresses, renovate your house or dispose garage junk, inquire from your service provider how to go about it. In some cases, you can make money by selling garage junk such as scrap metal. Also, some items can be sold as second-hand goods. Ask your service provider whether these options are open to you.

Waste accumulation is hazardous. It is important you consider the factors mentioned above as guidelines of effective waste disposal. Speak with a representative from a service that offers residential rubbish removal for more information.  
